哈尔滨理工大学 工学学士学位,热能与动力工程
上海理工大学 工学硕士学位,热能与动力工程
上海交通大学 工学博士学位,动力工程及工程热物理
2014.12——至今 上海理工大学,讲师、副教授、教授/博士生导师
2020.1-2023.12 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):小通道流动沸腾中微液膜蒸发机理研究
2016.1-2018.12 国家自然科学基金(青年项目):混合润湿表面沸腾汽泡底部微液层蒸发特性的机理研究
2016.1-2017.12 上海市高校青年教师培养资助计划: 不同微结构表面沸腾汽泡生长机理研究
2016.01-2016.12 2016年度教师教学发展研究项目:能源与环境创新创业课程教学方法研究
2018.01-2018.12 2018年度教师教学发展研究项目:《相变传热》课程过程性评价教学方法研究
2015.04-2016.4 烟气深度净化及热质回收装置热设计
2016-2017 液压工具相关新技术开发
2016-2017 喷雾推进通风冷却塔热力性能试验技术服务
2016-2017 HBL-225型冷却塔测试服务
2016-2017 MF2200L型号冷却塔测试服务
2017-2018 玻璃板式换热器传热与阻力特性检测
2017-2018 水泵设备远程管理平台技术服务
2017-2018 机械式蒸汽再压缩系统(MVR)测试服务
2017-2018 冷却塔测试服务
2018-2019 冷却系统试验台和测试系统研制
2018-2019 机械式蒸汽再压缩系统(MVR)性能优化
2018-2019 箱式变电站运行及环境监测系统技术服务
M. Gao, L.X. Zhang, P. Cheng*, and X.J. Quan, An investigation of microlayer beneath nucleation bubble by laser interferometric method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013. 57: p. 183-189.
M. Gao, P. Cheng*, and X.J. Quan, An experimental investigation on effects of an electric field on bubble growth on a small heater in pool boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013. 67: p. 984-991.
M. Gao, X.J Quan, and P. Cheng*, An experimental investigation on EHD effects in the thin-film region of an evaporating meniscus, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014. 56. p. 159-164
X.J. Quan, M. Gao and P. Cheng*, An experimental investigation of pool boiling heat transfer on smooth / rib surfaces under an electric field, In preparation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015. 57: p. 595-608.
Li-xin Zhang*, Yong-bao Chen, Ming Gao, Xin Li, Zong-hu Lin, Validation of Electronic Anti-fouling Technology in the Spray Water Side of Evaporative Cooler, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016. 93: p. 624-628.
Li-xin Zhang*, Xin Li, Ming Gao, Lin Ma, Study on descaling characteristics of an induction-type electronic descaling device outside the heat transfer tubes of evaporative cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017.127:p. 1627-1631
M. Gao*, P. Kong, Li-Xin Zhang and J.N Liu, An experimental investigation of sessile droplets evaporation on hydrophilic and hydrophobic heating surface with constant heat flux,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2017.88: p.262-268
M. Gao*, P. Kong, Li-Xin Zhang, Evaporation dynamics of different sizes sessile droplets on hydrophilic and hydrophobic heating surface under constant wall heat fluxes conditions,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2018.93: p.93-99
J. Liu, M. Gao*, L-S Zhang, L.X. Zhang, A laser interference/high-speed photography method for the study of triple phase contact-line movements and lateral rewetting flow during single bubble growth on a small hydrophilic heated surface. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2019.100:p.111-117
Ni Liu, J-L Zhou, M. Gao, Cheng, An experimental study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of binary hydrate slurries in a horizontal tube. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2019.102: p.31-34
M. Gao*, Ling-Shuang Zhang, Da Zhang, Li-.Xin ZhangExperimental study on the enhancement of free convection heat transfer under the action of an electric field. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2019.104:p.14-19
高明*,孔鹏,章立新,恒热流条件下亲疏水表面液滴蒸发特性,化工学报,2018, 69(7): 2979-2984
1.冷却设备高效传热传质与节能节水关键技术的协同创新及推广应用 高等学校科技进步(推广类)二等奖 中华人民共和国教育部,2016.2, 第3完成人
5.上海理工大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖 (2016年)